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Shirdi Sai Saba Temple
Pittsburgh, PA

                             VASANTA PANCHAMI

                   Vasanta Panchami - Saraswathi Puja

                         Sunday, Feb 2, 2025 

Send your kids names, birth star and gotram.

       Prasadam: Blessed Kumkum & Akshata

Saraswathi Puja Full Sponsorship : $154
(Abhishekam, Homam, Sahasranam, Archana, Jyothi arathi, Flower)

Saraswathi Abhishekam - $54

Saraswathi Homam - $54

Saraswathi Sahasranamam - $21

Saraswathi Archana - $11

Jyothi arathi - $27

Flower Service - $21

Vasanta Panchami day is dedicated to Goddess Saraswati, the Goddess of knowledge, music, arts, science and technology. Goddess Saraswati is worshipped on Vasanta Panchami day.

                 Vasanta Panchami is also known as Saraswati Panchami. We worship Goddess Saraswati to get enlightenment with knowledge and to get rid of lethargy or sluggishness and ignorance.

            Akshar-Abhyasam,  initiating education to children is known also as Vidya-Arambham.

             On Vasanta Panchami. Schools and colleges arrange the puja in the morning to seek blessing of the Goddess. Many consider Vasanta Panchami as an auspicious day to start all good work. Whole Vasanta Panchamiday is auspicious to perform Saraswati Puja.


              Saraswathi Namastubhyam, Varade Kaamaroopini

         Vidyaarambham Karishyaami, Siddhir Bhavatu Mey Sada

Meaning: Saraswati is the provider of boons and the one, who grants all our desires. As I begin my studies, I bow to the Goddess to help me in making it fruitful and make me successful in all my efforts.