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Shirdi Sai Saba Temple
Pittsburgh, PA

   HAPPY  Chandramana Ugadi "Sri Viswaavasu" nama Samvatsara Subhakanshalu. 

How To make  Yugadi Pachadi? 
Neem flower chutney is part of the Ugâdi feast. The traditional recipe includes jaggery , neem flowers, tamarind paste, bananas, sugarcane pieces, mango pieces.  The recipe connotes that life is a combination of all tastes: good, bad, sour, bitter and sweet! Offer Pushpanjali to Sun. Then eat the Ugadi chutney before coffee or tea. 
      This is termed as Nimbakusuma Bhakshanam.
Shastras declare that eating  chutney enhances longevity, balances the negative effect of planets and provides prosperity.

Special Chandramana  Yugadi Celebrations
Saturday, March 29, 2025

Sri Chandramana Yugadi “Sri Viswaavasu nama Samvatsaram"
Telugu, Kannada, Marathi, Kashmiri New Year.

Chandramana Yugâdi  Celebrations at Home.

   It is customary to take  abhyangana snâna (oil bath) in the early hours and offer the daily prayers.

Sri Chandramana Yugadi Full Sponsorship: $154

Prasadam: Homa Raksha and blessed pendant.

9.30 am Sri Shirdi Sai Abhishekam $54

10.30 am Navagraha & Shirdi Sai Homam $54
Prasadam: Homa Raksha and blessed pendant.

06.00 pm Panchanga Sravanam Sej Arathi & Prasadam

All 3 Archana Sponsor: $27

Ganapathi Archana -11;Baba Archana -11;Lakshmi Archana -11

All 3 Sahasranama Archana: $54

Ganapathi Sahasranama Archana -21

Lakshmi Sahasranama Archana -21

Baba Saharanama Archana -21



                        PANCHANGA SRAVANAM   at 6.30 pm - 2025-2026

  Celebration of Ugâdi at Home It is advised to take abhyangana snâna (oil bath) in the early hours and offer the daily prayers.

Cabinet & Portfolios for 2025-2026 “Sri Viswaa Vasu
1.King,3.Commander General of Army,Controller of 4. Water,5. Clouds-Ravi(Sun)
2.Prime Minister - Chandra (Moon)
6.Controller of Nourishment - Guru (Jupiter)
7.Controller of Harvest & Grains -Kuja (Mars)
8. Controller of Rasadhipati (ghee..) Shani (Satrun)
9. Controller of weaknesses Bhudha (Mercury)

Navanayaka-Out of 9 planets 3 are good 6 are benign

Out of 20 parts of rain, 9 parts are on ocean, 9 parts are on mountains, 2 parts on plain land.

According to Baarhaspatya maana (Based on the rotation of Jupiter), the name of the year is KalaYukthi.

Solar Eclipses:Mar 29 Visible, Sep21 Not Visible in USA

Lunar Eclipses:Mar 13-14 Visible, Sep 7 Not Visible in USA

PUSHKARA: Saraswathi Nadi May,14 - May 26, 2025
River Saraswathi Nadi Pushkaram takes place during the transit of Bruhaspati (Jupiter) in Mithuna Rasi (Gemini Zodiac Sign). Tarpanam will be offered to
forefathes and Puskara Snanam is done in Uttar Pradesh, Bheempur ghat. Travel to Bheempur from Haridwar.

General Predictions for Sri Viswaa Vasu (2025-2026) in India
Out of our 60 Hindu years Sri Viswa Vasu is the 39th and Rahu is incharge (adipathi). Pray Rahu with adhidevata and Pratyadhi devata.

This year Ravi is the King, creates enmity between politicians and causes heavy rains. People will be harmed with fire and weapons; robberies will also be rampant. Donating unpolished rice grains (Dhanyam) will bring prosperity this year. Children born this year will have a generous nature, leading their life with persistence and determination. During this year, people’s lives are expected to be equally filled with happiness and sorrow. People with star signs ‘Bharani, Jeshta, Uttara Bhadra’ will face some health challenges. People with star signs – ‘Mrugaseersha, Makha, Swati, Poorva Shada, Poorva Bhadra’ will have to stay cautious with their actions this year, and pray to Hanuman, Sri Lalitha Devi for good luck before starting any tasks.

Due to Rahu being in charge of the year ahead, unnecessary expenditures, negative energy, tantrik Puja’s, interactions with people with cruel intentions and animal slaughter will increase. Religious conflicts will see an increase this year.
The main remedy is to pray Rahu, Gauri and Durga Mata, perform Subramanya Abhishekam, and donate Naga Pratima (snake idols). This will reduce the effect of Rahu and ensure a good year ahead. To reduce these negative effects, always be in the grace of God. 

Ganapathi, Hanuman, Rudrabhisheka and Homam recommended to appease RAHU, Durga Saptasathi Parayana & Homam are suggested. Participate in the temple monthly Chandi Homa. Rahu and Kuja Archana all through the year
will be beneficial for all as Kuja is in the Labha Sthana, He will help in finance. Ishta & Kula Devata Prardhana, Navagraha Sthothram Parayana is a must.