​​TAX ID #
Shirdi Sai Saba Temple
Pittsburgh, PA

Sri Rama Nama Ramayana Homam 

Sunday, April 6, 2025  

Whole Yagnam $252

Day Puja for Šrî Râma $154
(Japam, Homam,Archana and Tarpanam)



Chaitra Sukla Navami - Sri  Rama Navami

Sunday, April 6, 2025

Sri Rama Navami Full sponsorship: $154

Abhishekam for Šrî Râma & Sîta  $54

Sri Rama Nama Homam $108

Sahasranama  Archana - $21 

Sri  Ramarchana  - $11

Sri Sitarchana - $11


12.30pm  Sri Sîtâ Râma Kalyâñam $54

Sri Rama Pattabhishekam  

Yagna Prasadam will be mailed to all the Sponsors. 

                                                                                                            SRI RAMANAVAMI CELEBRATION

  This is the (28th Kali Yuga). Lord Sri Râma took avatâra in the 24th Treta Yuga about 30,000 years ago. The birthday of Šrî Râma will be celebrated in Shirdi, the joint celebration of two festivals, Urus and Šrî Râma Navami, which was started in 1912 to bring harmony. The Yajnam at our temple is for the welfare and peace of the whole universe. The participants will derive health, happiness, progeny, and relief from evil spirits.

SRI RAMA NAVAMI  - Chaitra Sukla Navami