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Shirdi Sai Saba Temple
Pittsburgh, PA

GAYATRI JAYANTHI Monday, June 17 2024

Sri Gayatri Yagnam
 Monday, June 10 - Monday, July 1, 2024

Sri Gayatri Homam 
 Monday, June 10 - Monday, July 1, 2024

Gayatri Yagna - Full Sponsorship - $1116

Prasadam: Blessed Saree and Kumkum 

One Day Yagna - $108

Homam - 54

Gayatri Archana - $11

Gayatri Sahasranama Archana - $21

Veda Patasala - Education fund - $54

Under the divine command of BABA, the Temple is Performing a Gayatri Yagna from June 10 to July 1.
The chanting of Gayatri dispels ignorance and renders intelligence to shine like the Sun. In addition, recitation of the mantra engulfs the seeker with the brilliance of Brahman.
Just as bathing cleanses the body, Gayatri purifies the mind and the soul. Also, helps protect us from negative forces.

The Gayatri Yagna beneficial effects:

Educational success, Protection from negative forces, creative pursuits, new research discoveries, innovative techniques, increased motivation, and concentration help with school dropouts, children with ADD, dyslexia, etc.


Gayatri is shabda brahman (the sonic divinity). Baba says that it is all-pervasive
like Brahman. The sound of Brahman are the Vedas. Gayatri is the very basis
of the Vedas and merits the name of Vedamata or the Mother of the Vedas. It manifests throughout the cosmos and is its very substance; it is, therefore the reality behind the experienced and the known Universe. The Gayatri mantra is composed of a meter consisting of twenty-four syllables, generally arranged in a triplet of eight syllables each. This particular meter (tripathi) is hence known as the Gayatri meter. “GayantamTriyate Iti” means ‘that which rescues (protects) the chanter is thus. 

The Gayatri consists of three sections:
(1) The Pranava Shabda
- aumandMahavyaahrites
- bhuh bhuvah svah,
(2) The three worlds of experience - that of  eminence, splendor and the grace which flows from the glory of the light

tat savitur varenyam bhargo devasya dheemahi, and
(3) a prayer for final liberation through the
awakening of the innate intelligence that
pervades the Universe as Light
-dhiyo yo nah prachodayat.

The sacred Gayatri mantra, a universal hymn for all, is an invocation to the Sun for enhancing the faculty of buddhi or intelligence. The chanting of Gayatri dispels ignorance and renders intelligence to shine like the Sun. Gayatri also protect the gayas or the pranas (vital breaths) and the indriyas (the senses). Gayatri is brahma prakasa, the effulgence of the Almighty, and the recitation of the mantra engulfs the seeker with the brilliance of Brahman. Just as bathing cleanses the body, Gayatri purifies the mind and the soul.
You may encourage your children to chant the Gayatri mantra at home to reap the benefits.